Dj Double G

Its Time To Make It Happen...

Check out my poetry, ill add more 1x a week. so keep checking in our follow my blog


Sometimes we just dont know what we have
We pray and pray for things to come our way
and things, answers
are staring us in the face
yet we can’t see
wont see
wont wake up to the reality
that MAYBE
just maybe what it is we WANT
aint what we supposed to have!

Time to think,
time to act
time to put faith in the plan
is it worth walking out
is it worth the end
of this wonderful start
is this really what FAITH
is all about?

its not supposed to be easy
who told you it would be?
nothing worth having ever really is
we all go through
the good the bad and the terrible ugly times
but stand tall
hold hands
join together
never forget you are stronger
when you act as one!

let go of that foolish pride
that part of you that say
never mind, whatever
sucks its teeth
slams doors
and just dont give a damn no more
you know in ur heart
its all LIES
you do care
you do still love
you do still want to try.

REAL love is so hard to find
is you have something good
hang on to it
cherish it
love it
adore it
and above all else
never ever forget
where you came b4 you had it!

pick your battles
chose your fights
no one is perfect
but is what your about to say
worth the chain reaction!

men your woman is a receiver
what are you putting into her?
Is it love
is it positivity?
Is it unselfish unbiased LOVE?

Women your man is the source
he is your head
do you treat him as such
or do you nag
complain and tell him
how many more there are that want you

treat your partner as you want to be treated
care more about each others happiness
if you each do that
OOO wow what wondrous
love it would be

Kie 2011

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