Dj Double G

Its Time To Make It Happen...

Why Do People Use Facebook As A Counseling Session????? I'm Just Saying....

Sometimes I just laugh and at other times I just shake my head! Especially when they be exposing the details of their relationship or past relationship. One chick when she found out that her now exboyfriend was cheating was like to the other chick" You can have his lying, No car having, No job having and still living with his momma a$!" Just made me think like, why were u even with dude? I'm Just Saying!

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Lol I know I wonder if they realize they making themselves look like idiots...I see people using FB to catch their partners I lies at least they believe they did...there is so much drama it is like a soap opera but thats what we love so it keeps us coming back for more to see what is said next, who is single now, and all types of mess...but Kevin I like the "I'm Just Sayin" u should make it a title to your will stick good with people u know....I'm Just Sayin...

I don't why they be putting themselves out there maybe they just thinking about the Djdubg and forget about the .com and the www maybe the .com should stand for C ome On M an or Mama and www Wise up dis  is the W orld W ide Web I'm Just Saying! Dj Double G I dont know where I got I'm Just Saying from but I am going to use right here YesSir!
Dj Double G said:
Lol I know I wonder if they realize they making themselves look like idiots...I see people using FB to catch their partners I lies at least they believe they did...there is so much drama it is like a soap opera but thats what we love so it keeps us coming back for more to see what is said next, who is single now, and all types of mess...but Kevin I like the "I'm Just Sayin" u should make it a title to your will stick good with people u know....I'm Just Sayin...

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